The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 gives employees certain rights to take unpaid family or medical leaves of absence from their employment to care for family members who are ill or because of due to their own serious medical conditions that may prevent them from performing their job duties. Your rights under the Act, and the procedures you must follow to obtain leave, are described in the College's Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) Policy.
The Office of Human Resources is responsible for administration of this policy. The Associate Vice President for Human Resources is responsible for questions regarding this policy.
January 2022
FMLA Certification form for Qualifying Exigency (PDF)
FMLA Employee Rights & Responsibilities (PDF)
FMLA Certification form for Covered Service Member (PDF)
FMLA Certification form for Family Member (PDF)
FMLA Certification form for Veteran for Military Caregiver (PDF)