A Guide for Advising Students Through the Study Abroad Process
While first-year students cannot study abroad (though some ICAs will allow first-year students to apply), it is never too early to talk with your advisees about Goucher’s numerous study abroad possibilities and discuss which programs will best fit their four-year plan (particularly for highly structured majors).
Sophomore students are in the best place to begin the study abroad process. You and your advisee can research Goucher-sponsored programs on the Office of Global Education website, and students can make an advising appointment with Office of Global Education if they need specific help. By starting early in the sophomore year, students give themselves enough time to meet all deadlines and apply for scholarships and fellowships, if applicable.
Seniors who haven’t studied abroad yet should make an appointment with Office of Global Education as soon as possible to review all of their options. The choices in this situation will be limited, and student may also need to meet with the associate dean for undergraduate studies if he/she will need to study abroad after graduation.
A student planning to participate in a Goucher Intensive Course Abroad (ICA) for three weeks in January or in the summer should speak with you about how the course may fulfill the graduation requirement. (ICAs are resident credit.)
Students may also participate in summer programs through partner programs, for which they will receive Goucher credits.
If your advisee is interested in a non-Goucher-sponsored program, please encourage the student to meet with Office of Global Education staff for approval.
Keep in mind, non-Goucher programs often require more work for students and academic advisors as signatures are necessary from you and from designated department chairs, and because Office of Global Education is not responsible for application submission or other necessary paperwork.
Once a student is abroad, be prepared that he/she may contact you regarding course registration for the next semester and/or change of courses abroad. (If a student takes a course not previously approved by the academic advisor the student must e-mail the new course name, level, and description to the advisor for approval and forward a copy of the new approval to Office of Global Education for our records.)
Reentry often presents intellectual and emotional challenges; students returning from abroad may need some individualized attention from you.
Some students may seek additional academic challenges and ways to continue their language and cultural study—please direct them to appropriate coursework or co-curricular opportunities. Community service or community-based learning may be an appropriate option, as many of our community-based partners work with an international population. You may even encourage them to seek minors in academic areas related to the nature of their study abroad experiences.
One of the best things you can do is listen to the students’ stories. Please make time to invite your returning students to talk about their time abroad.
View a full list of policies and procedures for participating in a Goucher-sponsored program.
If you would like to participate in a site visit or lead an ICA please contact Office of Global Education at StudyAbroad@lcsgxgy.com